The big 40

2016 July 21

Created by Valerie 7 years ago
Well my darling, I cannot believe you would have been 40 this week! We had started to plan for this and we're going to have so much fun, we did get out just the family group, made Nan go to, it was a bit of a struggle for her but she managed, we had a pretty good time, considering. The plans you and I made for the great holiday, Dad and I have vowed to complete that, but between Hershey and Nan being sick we thought best to delay it. I know you wouldn't mind. But watch this space and I will do you proud. Many of your friends have rung me or messaged me to say they were thinking about you and us, bless them. You'd had a big presence in this world Stu. The world doesn't know what it's missed by taking you too soon. A huge loss for us all. Xxx